Directed by Andre Bato and produced by ANDRE BATO, FILMS BEAUTIFUL is the agency's second video collaboration with musician Hirakish. Centered around a violent robbery at a barbershop, the gratifyingly dark, yet comedic melodrama reinterprets the classic love story through Bato’s surrealist interpretation of nocturnal Los Angeles. Mixing narrative and lip-sync moments, BEAUTIFUL guides the viewer between a series of non-linear flashbacks as Hirakish terrorizes the city with a string of crimes all in the name of love.
Director: Andre Bato
DOP: David T. Okolo
Producer: Max Kurzweil
Producer: Nathan Bouton
Producer: Johnny Hernandez
Art Director: Jordan Marks
Sound Design: Jean
Casting Director: Tallulah Bernard
Color Grading: Josh Bohoskey, The Mill
Title Design: Tom Kan
Creative Direction
Art Direction
Post Production