Directed by Stella Asia Consonni, “Them. for Dropbox: with Leo Baker” explores how skateboarding isn’t just a competition—it is a way of experiencing life. In this branded short documentary, professional skateboarder Leo Baker looks back on two decades of skating and memories created with friends. In going through countless images and videos, Leo recalls how some of the simplest of memories, like taking their camera out with them, or the painstaking process of learning a trick, have helped shape them into who they are today. Produced by ANDRE BATO FILMS.
Director: Stella Asia Consonni
EP: Maximilian Kurzweil
Producer: Dan Fethke
DP: Arseni Khachaturan
Editor: Nathan Rodgers @ Cabin Edit
Color: Julia Rossetti
VFX: Milan Nikolic
Original Score and SFX: JEAN
Production Company: ANDRE BATO FILMS
Creative Direction
Post production and finishing
Art Direction / Graphic Design